Human Development Society (HDS) is a non-profit secular non-governmental development organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI) 1860. Donations to HDS are eligible for tax relief under Section 80 G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors

Mr. Ashish Gupta, Organic Farming Practitioner

Ashok Jambur

Ashok Jambur, formerly Chief General Manager with Indian Oil Corporation Limited, has deep domain expertise in building human capabilities at the individual, enterprise and community levels. He has a passion and positive bias towards science and technology, and it’s application to solve human and societal problems to achieve sustainable growth and development.

Bharat Singh, Ph.D.

Reader in Economics, University of Delhi

Mr. Ivan, Legal Practitioner

Prof. John Winterdyk, Department of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies, Mount Royal University, Canada

Mrs. Ruchica Gupta, Management Professional

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